Centuries of Glory Burned Away is a Main Mission in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. This mission is recommended for level 43. Centuries of Glory Burned Away tasks players with Liberate Luoyang from the rampaging demons. Please see Missions for other walkthroughs on other missions. Main Missions have to be completed to progress the story forward and be able to complete the game.


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 Centuries of Glory Burned Away

Mission Start Text

Forced onto the back foot by the coalition, Dong Zhuo abandoned Luoyang and moved the capital to Chang'an with the Son of Heaven, taking the Elixir with him.  Lu Bu ensures its successful transportation, and then retreats in spite of his force being vastly superior.

The coalition continues onward to retake Luoyang, but unbeknownst to everyone, Dong Zhuo had committed an even more treacherous crime. 


Luoyang, Henan Commandery, Sili Province
The metropolitan capital of the Han Empire is replete with palace buildings, gardens, and pavilions, linked by 24 grand streets. 

There are four gates, named after the Four Gods, that connect the Southern Palace and the Northern Palac. The Xuanwumen Gate of the Southern Palace and the Zhuquemen Gate of the Northern Palace are particularly spectacular, since the routes connecting them are reserved for use by the emperor. In the spring of AD 190, the Guandon lord' coalition marched on Luoyang, only to be faced with an inferno unleashed by the retreating Dong Zhuo. The prosperous city they had come to liberate was razed to the ground amid hellscape of rampaging demons and lighting.  

Centuries of Glory Burned Away Shitieshou Locations

There is 1 Shitieshou Demon in this Mission: 

  • Shitieshou Demon Location: Located at a corner past the first encountered Battle Flag at the crossroads. This is the road opposite of the first Marking Flag

Centuries of Glory Burned Away Dragon's Cure Pot Upgrades Locations

There is 1 Dragon's Cure Pot Upgrade in this Mission:

  • Dragon Vein Crystal: One Dragon Vein Crystal can be found within the collection of buildings where the large lightning demon creature (Xielong) will be perched. There will be a pavilion gate that leads to this enclosed zone where the third Battle Flag is raisedThe cluster of buildings you need to find will be directly in front of the gate entrance. You will need to find a way to reach the roofs. The Dragon Vein Crystal is in an area surrounded by these buildings on all four sides and can only be accessed from the ladder leading down from the roofs.

Centuries of Glory Burned Away Golden Cicada Shell Locations

There are 2 Golden Cicada Shells in this Mission:

  • First Golden Cicada Shell: Located at a corner past the first encountered Battle Flag at the crossroads. This is the road opposite of the first Marking Flag and can be found close to the Shitieshou Demon. The Golden Cicada Shell will be hidden behind a wall of flame at the corner before you reach the second Marking flag on the upper level of the house you enter, 
  • Second Golden Cicada Shell: One Golden Cicada Shell can be found in a tunnel with adead endd within the Canals. This particular tunnel is directly below the Marking Flag atop the isolated stone platform in the Canal area.

Centuries of Glory Burned Away Battle Flag Locations

There are 6 Battle Flags in this Missions

  • First Battle Flag: The first default flag will be the one readily available at the starting point of the mission
  • Second Battle Flag: the second flag is the first you will encounter in the Battlefield located at the first crossroads past the pavilion gate that will be found as you navigate through the streets of the burning capital towards the main objective marker location (Fortitude +2) 
  • Third Battle Flag: the third battle flag is found in the corner of the gated complex where the large lightning demon creature (Xielong) will be perched, striking lighting damage on the roofs and alleys of this area. When you enter the complex, keep left and duck through the buildings to eventually reach the Battle Flag. (Fortitude +2) 
  • Fourth Battle Flag: the fourth Battle Flag is Located in the center of the Noble House Courtyard. This area is guarded by a Giant Wrestler that must first be cleared before this flag can be raised. There are two gate entrances to this location. Enter this area by opening the large set of guarded doors from the roads near the canals, or by heading straight towards the objective marker direction where you will see the courtyard entrance from the first encountered Battle Flag at the crossroads. (Fortitude +3) 
  • Fifth Battle Flag: This Flag is located atop a set of stairs that lead down into the canal water. (Fortitude +2) 
  • Sixth Battle Flag: The final flag is also located at the final objective location directly in the center of the final building. It is guarded by another large lightning demon (Xielong) that must be cleared before this flag can be raised. (Fortitude +3) 

Centuries of Glory Burned Away Marking Flag Locations

There are 8 Marking Flags in this Mission:

  • First Marking Flag: The first encountered marking flag is the Crossroad Marking Flag located within proximity of the first encountered Battle Flag in the Battlefield. While the Battle Flag is located close to the center of the crossroads on the left road while facing the objective location arrow direction, the marking flag will be at the end of the opposite street guarded by a Demonized enemy. (Fortitude +1)
  • Second Marking Flag: This marking flag is on the second level of a house that can be entered en route to the final location of the Battlefield. After passing the first encountered Battle Marker at the crossroads, continue down the same street. The natural pathway will make you turn the corner twice until you have to enter a house at the end of the street. This house will have a ladder that will display the giant demon terrorizing the city as you climb it. Right after you climb the ladder, turn around towards the other broken side of the house and the Marking Flag location will be directly in front of you. (Fortitude +1)
  • Third Marking Flag: From the second Marking Flag location, approach the area through the gates where the large lightning demon is. At the corner of this gated complex area is a scaffolding area where the Marking Flag can be raised on the second level. This is within  the same location as the third battle flag in the same area.  (Fortitude +1)
  • Fourth Marking Flag: A Marking Flag can be found as soon as you start to reach a canal area. After locating the second marking flag, climbing the ladder and dropping down the streets towards the newly introduced demon, take the left street towards the canals and climb over the platform until you come across the Demonized Officer pacing the road above the canals. Once you reach the broken bridge, there will also be a guarded closed set of doors to the right side. Clear the area and instead of opening the doors, take a right to see a stack of wooden boxes that can be climbed to go above the wall. Drop down on the other side and the marking flag will be directly below.  (Fortitude +1)
  • Fifth Marking Flag: From Marking Flag 3, instead of dropping down into the street area, and instead take the ramp opposite, which will be left when facing the large set of doors. This will take you to the footbridge that will pass over the canals. It will have a destroyed opening in the middle that will allow you to hop off onto the isolated stone platform in the center of the canal water. This will have the marking flag location. (Fortitude +1)
  • Sixth Marking Flag: One Marking Flag can be found in the canal water at the lower level where the tunnels area. It will be at one end of the canal where the sewer gate is, but it will be hidden behind a large mountain pile of fallen rubble past where the Shuigui demons are lurking. (Fortitude +1)
  • Seventh Marking Flag: This marking flag can be accessed from the other side of the footbridge. Reach this area by locating a wall opening along the roads that line the canal. One opening will have a pile of broken rubble. Approaching this opening will initiate an invasion from Niu Fu. Once you enter the area, the end of the footbridge could be entered from here. The Marking Flags will be at the end where you can now open the doors that previously could not be opened from the other side. (Fortitude +1)
  • Eighth Marking Flag: The Final Marking Flag will be situated close to the final battle flag in the center of the final building. Head left of the building and there will be a set of doors. The Marking Flag is directly in front. (Fortitude +1)


Centuries of Glory Burned Away Walkthrough

Overlooking the Capital 

This Mission immediately begins following the cutscene after The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass. You will begin the mission on the fort walls overlooking the burning capital. Characters such as Hong Jing, Yuan Sha,o and Lady Zhen will be up here with you to interact with and offer some dialogue.

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Your first Battle Flag will be readily available just next to you. Search the area before you descend into the capital streets. There will be something for you to loot next to Lady Zhen.

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When you are done with this, return to the first Battle Flag and take the stairs directly in front. Take a look below before you fully descend to gain a chance to attack any unsuspecting opponents below.

Burning Capital Streets

Once you reach ground level beware of the fire that can deal damage to your character. At the same time use this to your advantage when facing enemies. Your objective marker on the minimap will lead directly away from your starting position. Follow the streets right while clearing the demonized Enemies in your way.

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The streets will lead right until your path is blocked off by the flames. The ruins of the buildings will create a ramp path for you forward allowing you to pass over the house ahead. Use the ramp and loot the house.

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There will be some crates for you to destroy that might have potential loot. When you are done with this area, this home will have a large pot for you to kick down, extinguishing the flames below. Kick it over and you will be able to jump down continuing forward following the objective marker on the map. Watch for the second levels of the surrounding buildings. Some roof areas will carry loot, and some will have enemies that can shoot down flames that may drop down to the street.

Crossroad - Second Battle Flag

Pass the Chinese pavilion gate and the fire will once again block your way. Enter the house on the left. Loot the chest inside and exit through the next opening. Check the roofs of the buildings on this side for loot and continue.

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This next area leads to a crossroad. Up ahead is where your objective marker is leading to, along with a Battle Flag location guarded by a number of Demonized Enemies and Soldiers. This road leads to a noble home and courtyard that can be accessed later on. From the center of the crossroad, Just look to your left and you should see your next Battle Flag location. It will be marked with an exclamation point on your top right minimap radar. 

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Instead of taking the center street, turn back around and take the opposite street. When you turn back from the Battle Flag, you should be able to see the Marking Flag beam marker at a distance. There will also be a Demonized Soldier here guarding the flag.

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Clear the area and return to the raised battle flag at the crossroads. Continue on the left street behind the raised battle flag. Check the rooftops and the street area again. You may encounter some more Demonized Enemies here. Loot the corner of the hut behind the second Battle Flag to obtain Luoyang Townswoman's Last Words x1.

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Continue till you reach the corner with the dead end of this street and you will be forced to turn the corner 'south'. When you turn this corner, hug the left house roof and follow it to a hidden corner. You can find a Shitieshou Demon and Golden Cicada Shell in this corner.

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This hidden corner covered with fire is the location of a Golden Cicada Shell. You can safely access this area through the roofs or attempting to jump over the flames in front.

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On the same side of the street is the location of a Shitieshou Demon

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Once you are done here, continue back to the natural path of the street. There might be more loot items on the floor in front of the house opening.  If you look up before you enter, you will see your second Marking Flag location which can be accessed from inside the house. You can vaguely see the marking flag beam on the upper level from the image below. 

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There will be a ladder to climb. Use the ladder and you will get a view of the creature that is terrorizing the city.

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Turn around to raise the second Marking Flag. Go back to the ladder area where the house is destroyed and it will lead you outside. Stay on the roofs and follow the roof until you find another Pot of water to kick down. This will give you a safe spot to drop down. You will be directly in front of a Gate and a Huo Shu demon just below.

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One of the buildings will have a few steps in front of it. Take it and turn the corner and pick up the loot.

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Return to the gate. From here, you can decide to pursue this creature through the gate and enter the gated complex or take the left into the next area first where the canals are. For this walkthrough, we will complete raising the flags and looting the Gated Complex where the lightning dragon is first.

Gated Complex - Creature

Once you go through the gate you will be in the vicinity of the large lightning demon known as Xielong. Note that this demon cannot be defeated, but can be repelled using enough ranged attacks against it. Lower its HP using ranged attacks to repel the demon successfully and gain the Achievement: Heroes will Rise. If you choose to continue through this zone without ridding Xielong, you will need to be careful of its lightning attacks. 

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In this area, you will have to keep moving to avoid getting struck. Xielong will have a roar and an attack that sends down a lightning strike which makes you vulnerable as long as you are out in the open within this zone. This area is a complex made of small houses and rooftops. In the midst of these houses, will be a square surrounded by roofs. This is the first structure directly in front of the pavilion gate entrance into this zone. Find a way to the rooftops. There should a wooden platform that will allow you to hop on top. The set of buildings immediately in front of the complex gate will make up a square surrounded by buildings as seen in the image below.

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Once you reach the top, there will be a ladder leading down. This is where you can loot a Dragon Vein Crystal. This square is not accessible any other way except by descending from the rooftops. When you are done, head back down off this set of buildings. Approach the building the creature stands on. To the left, there will be an opening to enter the buildings with more Demonized Fanatic enemies.

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You can take this route to get behind the creature. This will also be the location of your third Battle Flag. From the image below you can see where the creature is in relation to the Battle Flag location. 

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Directly in front are wooden platforms that can take you to the upper level. Be careful of getting struck up here since there is no shelter to shield you from the lightning creature's strikes. There will also be a few ladders in the area that can bring you to the upper level. You can use the higher ground while on top of the roofs to navigate the area. There should also be more water pots that can be kicked over to extinguish the flames below. You should be able to find another Marking Flag location on the upper level of the scaffolding structure. Drop down to the Marking Flag which is also on a level above ground. 

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This will be just behind the creature's position to the left. The image below shows an image while standing in the same position at a different angle to display the alleys below rather than the roofs. Following the path directly forward seen in the image below where the Demonized Fanatic can be seen, there should also be a chest located on the ground floor it should be towards the front of the creature.

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You should also have a clear view of the upper-level Marking Flag from the location of the chest. The image below displays the same marking flag that was previously raised from the wooden scaffolding structure. 

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When you are done with this area, exit through the main complex gate entrance where you initially dropped down from the second floor of the house with Marking Flag on the second level. Left of the gate will lead you towards some platforms you can use to hop over the building. You can scope the area from here before you hop down. This includes the area across the canal. Get ready for more demon encounters and drop down. Check the building corners for loot. If you advance you should see the broken bridge going left seen in the image below. The right side will also have an opening. 

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When you get to the broken bridge stairs that lead to the area on the left, there will be a few Demonized Soldier enemies and a Demonized Officer here. Loot the chest on the broken bridge then clear the area right. The demons to the right protect a door behind them that leads to a noble house courtyard with your next Battle Flag behind this set of doors. This is the the same battle flag that was previously seen from the first battle flag raised at the crossroads. You are now on the other opposite side of the wall.

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The doors can be opened without engaging in combat. Enter the first entrance and if it has been cleared, you can go ahead and open the doors, but do not approach the demons here yet. Take a right to see the stacked wooden boxes that can be used to hop up. Just up there will be another water pot to kick down.

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Noble House Courtyard

Kick down the water pot and hop down and this will take you into the exterior area surrounding the courtyard.

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You will immediately drop down on a Marking Flag. More Demonized Soldier enemies will be on this road. Take the wooden platform in the middle to hop up and go through the broken part of the wall.

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From here, you can see the area below surrounding the guarded Battle Flag. Hop on the next roof and loot it. When you are ready, hop off the roof and into the courtyard, ideally landing on the large Giant Wrestler Demon below. Clear him and loot his gear. You gain a chance to obtain some pieces of the Giant Wrestler Set. Once he is cleared, you are free to raise the Battle Flag in the courtyard and loot the area. Just next to a building, near the zen bridge in front, there will be a Key item that can be found: Colorfully Shining Well Writings.

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Loot the corner of the building as well as under the Zen bridge. You can now exit the courtyard through the front entrance. This will be guarded by more Demonized Officer enemies. Going through this entrance will lead you back to the Crossroads we passed through earlier where the first Battle Flag was raised in the Battlefield so you can turn around and take the large doors back to proceed to the next area. 


From the courtyard area, return to where you had previously opened the large set of guarded doors. This time go the opposite direction going towards the left side. This area ascends toward a ramp.

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Head up the footbridge and you will come to a section that is broken so that you can look outside. You can get another good view of the the Canal area below, including the Marking Flag just below. This footbridge path ends with a set of doors that can only be opened from the other side. Go ahead and drop down at the broken part of the bridge to Raise the Marking Flag below and further increase your Fortitude Rank.

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You will find yourself on a broken isolated stone platform. Drop down to the canals where you will encounter more Demonized Soldiers, and the water demons, Shuigui. If you follow the canal, you will eventually also encounter these tunnel openings. The opening directly underneath the isolated platform will lead to a dead end that is caved in on the other side with a Golden Cicada Shell. Take this the exit the tunnel. The tunnel entrance can be seen from another angle and is circled below.

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Use another tunnel opening to navigate through the canal. This tunnel opening will be found at the base of the stairs towards the direction of the Creature objective arrow on your radar.

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Cross this tunnel, then clear the Shuigui on this side too and there will be another Marking Flag at the corner behind the fallen mountain of rubble in front of the sewer gate seen below.

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When you have cleared this area, you can take the stairs up where you can raise the Battle Flag in this location. There will be a few characters standing by that can offer some dialogue when interacted with.

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If you continue down this road, you will encounter a Demonized Officer. Clear this area and  make sure to go end to end with each road, since loot can usually be found around each corner. Clear the canals before moving on to the next location. 

Final Location - Battle Flag 

At the end of one of the roads atop the canal is a rubble pile that creates a path and leads through a broken wall. Entering through this area will initiate an invasion from [Raging Brute] Niu Fu.

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Clear him and loot the corners of this location. This will lead you in front of the final Battle Flag Location. This area is guarded by a number of Demons and another Giant Wrestler. Clear them and raise the final Battle Flag.

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If you continue walking through this courtyard in the open, be careful of the Suan Yu that may swoop down and attack from the sky. From where you entered, you will also find the other end of the footbridge here that was previously encountered as you approached the canals.

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At the end of this bridge is a Marking Flag and the closed set of doors that previously could not be opened from the other side.

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Continuing through this walkway will lead you back to the back gates of the Noble House Courtyard. Once you open the doors, there are no more actions to perform here if you have previously cleared the canals and the NobleCourtyardd area. Turned around and start to exit the footbridge. There will be a hole that will allow you to jump out of the walkway halfway and onto the next building's roof. From here, you can attack the pacing demons below. There will be a chest you can loot at the corner. This can also be accessed from the main building area where the final Battle Flag is. Just turn right till you reach the corner. On the opposite side of the courtyard, to the left is also your final Marking Flag.

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The building on this side can also be accessed through a hole on the roof. Drop into the building through the hole (that will be revealed to be a treasure vault) so you can loot the area and the chest in the middle.

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You should be able to find Civil Officer's Last Words. To exit the treasure vault, open the doors. Make sure to check behind the vault building. The building across will also have something to loot above the stairs. 

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When you are ready, approach the main building and climb the boxes to reach the main doors. Use the Battle Flag before proceeding if needed. Open the doors to trigger a cutscene. 

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Taotie Boss Battle 

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Taotie may begin his fight by dealing his initial attack that inflicts Burn. As soon as the battle begins, quickly distance yourself fromthee center of the arena. Wait for the pool of fire to disperse before quickly charging in on his hooves since this is the main part of Taotie that is reachable. Focus your attack on the closest hoof. A lot of his attacks during this phase will also involve contact with his hoof. This means while attacking this area, you can also watch out for any incoming attacks as he either raises his hoof for a stomp or jumps up in the air. Taotie generally moves quite slowly so it will be easy to reach or dodge out of the damage area before these attacks land. Stay close by in order to immediately return to hacking at his hoof.

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After dealing some damage, Taotie may fall. You'll find it completely frozen for a short period. At this point, you will need to locate its core. This glows bright red. The first location may be somewhere accessible on his legs or arms. Attack the core and this will take out a large chunk of its health. After the first core attack, he will start jumping more and moving his feet around more. Continue to focus your attacks on his hooves until he once again falls. This time, you will be able to climb him. Start from the legs and reach the core on its back. This will start the next phase. 

Demonic Qi will quickly shoot from the ground and he will do a quick spin and start his weeping attacks while on its belly, also allowing it to crawl on its limbs. This time attack its limbs or its body from its side but be careful as to not be crushed when it crawls. Eventually, the same thing will happen and Taotie will fall. This time the core will be on the gaping crater in what looks like an open mouth on its back. Focus your attacks on this central core. The rest of the fight plays out the same way. continue attacking any accessible parts then attack its core when it's down. This will eventually completely clear this boss and will complete the mission. 



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Trivia & Notes:

Trivia and notes go here






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    • Anonymous

      This guide fails to mention some awesome loot.
      When you reach the first dead end, where you can climb up into the broken house and kick down the very first water barrel to extuingish the flames. Before doing that, there are some flames to the right that you cant extuingish, but you can see loot shining past it. Just run through the fire, pick up one shiny, then wait a bit to let the fire buildup go down, then run through the next fire and around the corner into a dead end, where a super shiny item is.
      Collection this gave me a 4-star cavalry halberd at +4 upgraded, with special effects that added fire damage to it and burn accumilation increase.
      Its great, free fire damage and burn buildup all the time.

      Also, this level is a great place to farm Tiger Seals. Just at the start of the level by the very first battle flag, just go all the way to the right where you can talk to that chinese lady, and pick up Tiger Seal x3 and then reload level.

      • Anonymous

        Wrong. You do not “return to the original gate you entered the complex and look left (with the demon dragon spamming lightning). You go to the EXIT on the other end. Dragon faces original entrance. Exit is behind and well left of the dragon. Exit there, and go right, then jump over the house that looks like impassable rubble. The person that wrote this got confused or something. Do not leave this burning scaffolding area with the dragon demon the way you came in. This article tells you to. Don’t. Your welcome.

        • Anonymous

          Is there guaranteed drop for the ritual sword in this mission?

          Any other tips corcerning the drop are preciated. Atleast the earth General boss has guaranteed drop, maybe this mission could replace that one?

          • For Xielong, like the guide says equip a range attack of some kind. Spells definitely work best so you can keep on the move.
            Find a stretch of rooftops easy to run back and forth. The bolts of lightning come in threes. Run back and forth until your spirit resets, cast spells again. Repeat. Enjoy all the loot just laying around that they wanted you to frantically scavenge while being electrocuted.

          Load more
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